Monday, December 15, 2008

Austin's Soccer Game

Here are a few pictures of Austin at his game!! He is number 6. He just had a tournament in Phoenix this weekend. One of his team mates was diagnosed with lung cancer and is in the hospital down there for Chemo so they made a special trip to visit him also.. He already had a tumor in his leg and had to have it amputated from the knee down a few years ago.. Keep his family in your prayers.. He is a terrific soccer player even though he only had one leg..
Austin has one more game on Thursday then has a break for Christmas... Merry Christmas to all!!! More later..

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The hustle and bustle of life...

We have been so busy this month that I have a hard time finding time to sit down and write.. Jordan is busy with basketball practice at 6:30 in the mornings!!! Ya mom really likes that one!! He has games every Saturday. He had his band concert on Tuesday night and did really good.. He plays the saxophone for those who don't know. Me and him have been sick with some kinda virus so that has been real fun. And Austin well do I have a son named Austin who lives with me anymore!!!!! He is so busy that I hardly ever see him it seems like... He is having fun though and that is what counts. He is busy with soccer games at least twice a week and this weekend is an overnighter in Phoenix for a tournament!! Last weekend he went on an overnighter to St. David's and did a 12 mile hike reenacting the trek of the Mormon battalion. He had a lot of fun!! Scouts really keeps both of my boys busy to they have great scout leaders. We are looking forward to the holidays and some down time from sports and school.. They both have keep there grades up!! Jordan has straight A's and Austin has all A's and B's!!! He is doing so much better in Math this year...

I am staying busy with being taxi mom and watching kids... Things have really worked out with me moving in with my mom.. We are both getting caught up financially and everyone seems to be happy.. We will be putting up our Christmas tree this weekend!! Lets see Jordan lost another tooth last week.. Here a couple of pictures of Jordan at his concert and basketball game. I will post some more later and hopefully will be able to get some of Austin today at his soccer game..

Well that is about all for now.. Happy Holiday's to everyone!!!

In Memory of Erich J. Berg

In Memory of Erich J. Berg
This is how I will always remember my sweet heart!! Full of life and laughter. I miss him and see him in my boys everyday. I love you!!!